About washington


George Washington was a leader in the French and Indian War, fighting for the continental army. He was later nomiated to lead the Continental Army against the British in 1775. Washington was also nominated to be the 1st president of the United States in 1789. He served two terms as president lasting from 1789 to 1797. Washington was responsible for leading the Continental Congress from 1774.

Early Life

George Washington was born on February 22 1732 in Westmoreland County. Not much is known about about George Washington's childhood, but it is known that from age 7 to 15 he was homeschooled and he studied with the local church sexton. Later he be became a schoolmaster of math, geography, Latin and the English classics. In 1748, George traveled with a surveying party which plotted in Virginia's western territory. The experience made him resourceful and and toughened his body and mind.

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